Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Having a heat wave

I hear it's really hot outside.
I don't know if that's true or not because the AC here keeps everything at a steady temperature all the year around - no matter if the snow is whirling or the sun is baking. Inside, it's always the same. Actually, you could say the same about just about everything in here. Same temperature, same air since the '80s (none of the windows open) same buzzing light fixtures, same faint aroma of carpet cleaner. Everything kept at a persistent level of sameness. And, since the windows are generally hidden by my cubicle walls, it could be day or night outside and I wouldn't notice a difference.
It's kind of like an isolation tank, I guess. (Not that I've ever tried one - not after that movie with William Hurt when he turned into a crazed caveman. Boy, that really freaked me out.) But... I imagine an isolation tank feels pretty close to this.
I guess the only difference is an isolation tank is supposed to free you... change you... and be enlightening...
.... I wonder if William Hurt ever worked in a cubicle...

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