Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Smell of Success

The cleaners did an exceptionally good job last night. They really must have scoured the carpet for some time. It has to be about half-a-shade grey lighter now and really almost brightens the place. And the air now has the fresher-than-real aroma of pine-scented cleanser... ahhhhhh ...when I inhale, and close my eyes, I can almost imagine that I'm in one of those shopping mall food court gardens... or at the very least in a car that has just been detailed... such a nice change from the air in here.... the smell of stale coffee and stale small talk.
It really is quite bracing and invigorating.... and as I inhale deeply again and again and again and again, I wonder if it will give me an enhanced sense of purpose... and speed... and energy.........and room is really spinning...... wow... how'd they do that.........

1 comment:

  1. Harold, you need to get out of there and smell the pine trees! I feel sorry for your perception of reality - I personally would have gone totally bonkers by now if I were in your position.

    Get out!!!!

