Monday, July 5, 2010


That word strikes fear and loathing all over the world. Although it is spelled many different ways: Lundi, Mandag, Maanantaina, Lunes, it still means the same thing... you have to go to work. I think Monday's malevolent reputation goes back to our school days for most of us... the creeping dread that starts around 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, the shock of the alarm clock at 7 AM.... remembering that we didn't finish (or start) our algebra homework...the horrible feeling that there's nothing you can do about it... or to paraphrase that old Jack Nicholson movie: " Forget it Jake, it's Monday..."

... on the bright side, only five new piles of paperwork showed up in my cubicle today - before lunch - and only three this afternoon... it was a slow day...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harold,

    Sorry to hear of you dismal office life :-(

    I get the "dread", it's like end-of-summer before going back to school.

