Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Making It Up As I Go Along

Between cross-referencing indexes and analyzing spreadsheet quotas, I managed to watch Raiders Of The Lost Ark last night. It's been years since I watched it.

Gosh - I'd forgotten how fun it is. I remember my dad taking me to see it when I was a kid. I was glued to the screen - and I mean one of those super epoxy glues. It was just so awesome! Harrison Ford was just so cool as Indiana Jones. He could do anything - and did! I wanted to be him and have that adventurous life - be that rugged and heroic.

I wore my jeans jacket all summer long - no matter how hot it was - and in my mind the blue cotton was worn leather. I bought come lightweight rope and figured out how to braid it to make my own bullwhip - which I practiced with in the backyard, whipping pop cans and fruit. When I managed to explode an apple with one whip crack, I just about did backflips I was so excited. That was one of the best summers ever... and I didn't even have a fedora...

I eventually outgrew the jacket and it was donated. I really can't remember what happened to my cotton rope bullwhip.... I lost it I guess.

Sometimes I wish I still had them. The jacket. The whip. The ability to roll with the punches and still keep going - no matter what - with no outline or plan or spreadsheet to tell me what to do...

Or like one of the best lines in the movie " make it up as I go along "...

... I still want a fedora....

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just found a link to Harold's workplace!
